Wednesday, April 18, 2007

on another note...

I'm feeling kinda funny today. Funny in a strange but not unpleasant manner. I woke up after having slept more than 8 hours today (which is unusual for me) so there was none of the tired Mr. Just-Woke-Up-Grouch rearing it's ugly head. The weather was sunny, and things were calm on the work front. So I took my time getting ready, actually trying on a few items of clothing before deciding on one (usually I just grab the first thing my eyes land on). Then I had a slow drive to work and the traffic was surprisingly free. And throughout this all Bjork's new single Earth Intruders was playing in my head, with the jaunty rhythm thrumming pleasantly as I kept repeating 'We are the Earth Intruders, we are the sharp shooters' over and over again. I had this overwhelming sense of calm and peace, which is totally out of the blue because look at the state of the world we're in with the global warming and the viral outbreaks and the Virginia Tech massacre (my condolences to the victims). Can it be I've been so used to it that I've forgotten what it's like to not feel stress?

Still, to be in this state is very rare for me, so I'm just going to enjoy it while it lasts and not feel guilty.


Seriously, it's starting to feel like I slipped into a Twilight Zone and arrived at some alternate Pleasantville dimension.


Blogger drownedglass said...

How nice! Though I doubt Bjork would ever get airplay in a Pleasantville-type world.

By the way, the video's out! Now if only I can get my hands on it...


9:43 AM  

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