Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Stand up

This past month of the new year has been unbelievably stacked with momentous occasions and events. Leaving my old company to form a new one, my career improving considerably and steadily, and last but not least - standing up for myself and refusing to let people step all over me, as I am wont to do in situations where I know things are going to get unpleasant, which the 'old' me will always try to avoid if possible.

Well, not anymore.

I stood up for what was right, what was true and although I've scarred or pissed off certain people along the way, I am glad I did it and I'd do it again.

Maturity - 1, Cowardice - 0.

Rock on.

p.s. - alright, maybe its more like Maturity - 1, Cowardice - 0.5. But I'm trying. Honest.


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