Wednesday, October 10, 2007

women in love, men in lust

Oh. My. God.

Hottest. Scene. Ever.

Whilst careening through the cyberhighway I crash-smacked right into this clip on Youtube (God Bless Youtube!). Apparently this is the first full frontal male nudity (and not just ONE fine specimen, but TWO!) in a major motion picture. It is so hot I'm still flushed and bothered hours later just thinking about it. No wonder Americans think all British men are gay (just kidding).

NSFW, btw.


Thursday, October 04, 2007

winter is gone...

Kevin Walker just said 'I love you'.


Then again, if my boyfriend was Eric Winter, it would take all of - what - 1/2 a second to say those three words.

Why did they have to send him away. WHY?

Although it is funny they are sending him here. Fictionally. If only it was fer realz....

This is a sad turn of events for Kevin, and the viewers. This means that he is going to be celibate for a long long time, probably the whole season. Unless he strays of course. And since we are watching a glorified soap opera here, I'm gonna bet 'yes'.

Who next, Chad White?