Saturday, September 30, 2006

i know what's going to happen...

I had deja vu a little while ago whilst watching the trailer for Tony Scott's new movie 'Deja Vu'.


Maybe it's just my aversion to really bad Tony Scott movies coming back to haunt me. You know... what mistakes you don't learn from your past is doomed to be repeated blah blah blah.

And yet here i am transfixed by the pretty pictures, the loud music/noise, the snappy 1-frame-per-scene editing, Val Kilmer... (did i just type that out loud?)


Alls i can say is, someone lock me in a clock quick, cos i think i'm heading north of cuckooland...*

*wait a minute, didn't i use that same lame line for another post awhile ago? or is what i remembered actually happening now? aaaagrh!!!